Yesterday I posted an article about using values to address a bully's performance and behavior. I made a few suggestions on some of the values that would be useful in this sort of process, and then I came across Jon Matsuo's post on LinkedIn. During a conversation there in an organizational development group, Jon posted these examples and I thought they were so great I asked him if I could post them here.
So, here are some more suggestions for values that you can create to help deter bullying behavior in your workplace. Remember, the values should ultimately be defined by your managers and employees to create buy-in, but these are definitely helpful.
1. Team Player – helps others without being asked. Does not let the team down in any way, takes the lead in getting things done. Never puts others down but encourages, teaches and supports them. Works well with all. Takes on the toughest jobs. Always visible working hard.
2. Reliable – Always on time. Completes tasks professionally. Carries out his duties completely. Others have confidence that he will do things the right way every time. Always calls in the day before if he is unable to work. Can be relied on to do extra work if it is required. Consistently puts out great work. Is perfectly honest.
3. Responsible – Takes personal responsibility for getting the job done perfectly, no matter what. Always trying to solve problems, protect the company’s property, image, reputation, costs, and success. Is very careful when driving company vehicles or installing _____. Always comes to work fully ready (Does not drink the night before, never does drugs, gets good night sleep). Knows what each job is about – knows the production notes and special instructions. Asks for clarification if is not sure about anything, or if something doesn’t seem right. Immediately reports unsafe conditions or things that are harmful to any person or the company.
4. Fast Learner- is anxious to learn from others, and is always trying to learn to do things better. Remembers what he has learned and applies it on the job. Thinks of new ideas to use on the job. Asks questions when he is unsure about what and how to do a task... Curious. Teaches others what he has learned.
5. Professional- Realizes that any and every job can be done with pride and high quality. Always has pleasing the client as the highest goal, because it means more business. Earns respect from his appearance, (hair, cleanliness, uniform) his speech, his hard work, safety, and his skill. Helps others abide by rules by his example. Earns the respect of clients and everyone around him. Works hard, and does the right thing when no one is watching.
6. Maturity- Totally trustworthy. Will always do the right thing without being told. Never bends the rules. Unselfish. Is always considerate of others, never offends others with speech or actions. Lets his work speak for him (hard working, skillful, smart) Impresses teammates, management and clients with what a quality person he is. Strong character – is able to think for himself, and follow company report card values rather than being influenced by others.
7. Leadership- has all of the above qualities in abundance. His actions speak well of him in all ways and he is well respected for his work, effort, caring, skill, and integrity. Team mates are willing to follow him because of his example. He always tries to think of ways that he, and the company can be better. Thinks ahead and plans. Communicates well. Humble. Does not try to bully, intimidate, manipulate. Is not afraid to speak up to others in a respectful way. Will stand up for what is right. Always trying to help others to make them successful, and look good.
The values are assigned differing weights, depending on the need for emphasis. The employees know that these are not their values until they live them, and every opportunity is taken to apply them in discussions and decisions.
As you can see there is nothing special about them. They should be put together by targeting the specific needs of the organization.
I view values as tools for getting the organization to where it needs to be. When applied judiciously, people appreciate the positive impact that it can have, and embrace them. Those that don't may not belong there.
Thanks Jon! Visit Jon on LinkedIn here.
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